For suppliers

Integrated part of Heidelberg Materials' strategic objectives

The Heidelberg Materials Sustainability Commitments 2030 emphasise the importance of responsible sourcing and supplier sustainability for our purchasing activities. In accordance with our social and environmental responsibility, our Supplier Code of Conduct sets out comparable standards which are enforced through our Global Supplier Sustainability Initiative. Supplier compliance with these standards will enable us to realise long-term collaborations, working towards a more sustainable, responsible future.

Our goal:

We work towards a sustainable approach for the products and services that we sell and/or purchase. Our goal is to increase transparency throughout the entire supply chain so we can fully understand and measure our social and environmental footprint, and improve HeidelbergCement’s sustainability performance. Through this supplier-orientated initiative, our objective is to establish a globally standardised supplier base in terms of sustainability to ensure Heidelberg Materials fulfils its responsibility as a buyer.

Our approach:

To ensure a reliable and responsible supplier qualification, we collaborate with Avetta. Avetta is a global assurance programme provider that has been monitoring the safety, qualification and social responsibility of companies for more than 15 years. They inform, train and assist suppliers in complying with Code of Conduct and sustainability requirements. This support allows us to reliably assess and evaluate our suppliers with respect to our sustainable supply chain standards.

Two major steps are involved in this process: assessments and audits:

The assessment phase of the Supplier Sustainability Initiative is realised through mandatory questionnaires for suppliers. The UN Global Compact principles in combination with our Supplier Code of Conduct requirements set the basis for these questions. To ensure that both our global standards and local requirements are adhered to, we require our suppliers to provide verifiable answers.

On-site audits

On-site audits monitor the implementation and execution of our standards. They will help us to validate the data provided through the assessment step, monitor performance improvement and ensure that our supply chain standards are pursued. The audit step will allow increased communication with our suppliers and promote collaborative efforts towards a stronger sustainable performance across the supply chain.

Our Supplier Sustainability Initiative ensures fair, responsible and safe purchasing procedures and collaboration throughout our entire supply chain. In case of a non-compliant supplier, we strive to implement our sustainability standards in cooperation; however, if all remedy efforts fail, the contractual relationship will have to be terminated.

The successful cooperation with our qualified suppliers will lead to a transparent, sustainable and future-oriented supply chain.